Prius - Flash

Last Updated: Sat. 4/29/2006


The images displayed here is only a single keyframe of the Prius animation sequence built using Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash.  To watch the action, you have to download the files.  For best results, upgrade your Flash software to version 8.


The SWF is the flash animation itself, which can be viewed from within your internet browser or using the Flash player.

The HTM is just a template webpage to make opening the animation file more convenient.  It is not required, for viewing.

To download each file, just right-click this link and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" (depending on your browser type; one-button mouse users will need to hold the CONTROL key also).


At The Park

SWF animation, 84 KB

HTM webpage, 2 KB


  • 16 seconds
  • 30 frames-per-second
  • 500 x 356 pixels



SWF animation, 127 KB

HTM webpage, 2 KB


  • 31 seconds
  • 30 frames-per-second
  • 800 x 600 pixels



SWF animation, 388 KB

HTM webpage, 2 KB


  • 57 seconds
  • 30 frames-per-second
  • 1022 x 508 pixels


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